Tag Archives: business

C Corp to S Corp Conversion

From February’s Axiom on Value
The Window to Elect S Corp Status for 2015 Closes March 15
Many business owners are completely focused on the day-to-day operation of their business. For these owners, issues of ownership transition planning and optimal tax strategy at the

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The Cost of Illiquidity in the Syndicated Loan Market

From July’s Axiom on Value:
Here we will address the issue of measuring liquidity in the syndicated loan market. The chart below measures the illiquidity of a set of syndicated loans in terms of the difference in yields to maturity. The difference is the YTM of

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Business Valuation 101: The Five Myths of Valuing a Private Business

From May’s Axiom on Value:
As you work tirelessly to meet the everyday challenges of running your own business, you may wonder why you should be interested in a column on valuing your business. After all, valuation is something you will be concerned about some

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