The role of small business owners in the US economy has been well documented by the Small Business Administration among other organizations. The vibrancy and growth potential of this group has been especially dynamic over the last two decades. While this research has been revealing, it has not
Excerpt taken from Dr. Stanley J. Feldman’s A Primer on Calculating Goodwill Impairment
The accounting rules governing business combinations, goodwill and intangible assets changed as a result of the FASB introducing Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) No: 141, Business Combinations, and No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible
This post contains excerpts from an Axiom presentation done for the Family Firm Institute.
Myth 1: Firms in my industry always sell for a multiple of revenue.
Myth 2: Public firm transaction multiples are larger than private firm transaction multiples.
Myth 3: Acquirer’s of private firms over
Congress shall have the power to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;
US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8
The Issue
Intellectual property (IP) was
On May 8, 2015, Axiom’s president, Roger Winsby did a radio show interview with Josh Patrick, president of Stage 2 Planning Partners. and a host on Exit Coach Radio Network & Podcast. They discussed the various reasons why business owners should consider getting a valuation
Valuation, Risk Measurement and Marketing Requirements of the European AIFMD: Is Your Firm Prepared?
Learning Objective: This Webinar provides AI managers and advisors with what they need to do to meet the Directive’s guidelines relating to the “independence of the valuation and risk managements functions” from investment decision making. This separation is new and has significant resource requirements for